How to Wash A Weighted Blanket So it Looks and Smells Like New

If your weighted blanket has seen better days, discover how to wash a weighted blanket so it looks and smells like new.

How to wash a weighted blanket

Weighted blankets are the best for snuggling under, reducing anxiety and making you feel cozy during winter. I use mine all the time! But after a while you’re going to want to wash it. Weighted blankets have been designed to elevate stress and anxiety due to the weight because they add pressure which calms you, but because of the weight it can make them difficult to wash.

If your using your blanket day in day out, you’re going to want to wash it to remove any smells and stains. You might be wondering how to wash it without breaking your washing machine or ruining your blanket. Here you’re going to learn the best way to hand wash, dry clean and machine wash a weighted blanket by using the right cleaning supplies.

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This post is all about how to wash a weighted blanket

Check the label

Your weighted blanket should come with a care label. Depending on what the instructions say, will depend on which method you use to clean your blanket. This will determine whether you can dry clean, spot clean, cover removal or machine wash it.

dry cleaning

Some brands recommend you dry clean your weighted blanket, if this is what your instructions recommend then you should get it dry cleaned by a professional.

cover removal

Your care label may advise you can remove the outer cover, if this is possible wash in your machine on a cool gentle wash to avoid it shrinking. Other brands may state it needs to be either hand washed or you may be able to wash in a machine.

spot cleaning

Another option might be to spot clean it. If this is case, use a mild detergent and wipe with a damp cloth on the spots that maybe stained or need a refresh. Try not to scrub the blanket to avoid damaging it.

How to wash a weighted blanket in a washing machine

Machine Washing

If your care instruction say you can machine wash check your washing machines capacity to ensure the drum won’t get damaged and can take the weight. Once you are ready to start, there are a few supplies you will need:

what you need:

Before you machine wash start by pre treating any stains, gently use a stain remover working it into any stains with an old toothbrush or your fingers and leave it to as long as the stain removers instructions advise. Next place your blanket in your machine. Add your detergent and fabric conditioner as you would for any other wash. Then use a delicate cycle on a cool temperature.

hand wash

When it comes to hand washing, the best way to do this is in the bath. Make sure your bath has been rinsed out and all residue has been removed. Place your blanket in your bath and fill it with luke warm water. Add your detergent and carefully move it around your blanket. leave it in the water to soak for upto an hour. You should then drain the water and refill the bath. Remove any detergent by refilling the bath with water and repeating the process of emptying the bath and refilling it until all detergent has gone.

How to dry your weighted blanket

There are two ways to dry your blanket, this will depend on your care instructions. Firstly check the care instructions if it say you can tumble dry, make sure you check the weight of the blanket when wet, to ensure your tumble dryer can handle the weight without damaging the drum.

Before tumble drying or air drying I recommend trying to get as much of the excess water out. To do this pat it dry with a towel don’t wring it out. This will help protect your blanket and keep its shape.

If you’re unable to tumble dry it, then I recommend air flat drying it. To do this lay it flat and turn it over every hour until it dries. This is a long process that might take a couple of days, depending on what material your blanket is made from. To speed up the process as your drying it lay towels underneath to soak up excess moisture. Shake the blanket to ensure the filling is distributed evenly throughout the blanket.

how often should you wash your weighted blanket

Depending on how often you use it, will depend on how often you will need to wash it. If you’re using it every day you’re going to want to wash it weekly or bi-weekly or if you’re only using it now and again you can wash it once or twice a year. If you keep your blanket in storage, wash it before using to get rid of any dust or germs on it. You’ll also find it will help it look and smell fresh.

This post is all about how to wash a weighted blanket

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